Please feel free to contact me if you need any more information or you would like to know if Chinese Medicine could support you.
Chinese Medicine
Qi is the life force or vital energy which circulates round a life forms body, everything in which is interconnected and interdependent.
Yin-yang are the complementary forces which make up all aspects to life, thus all things which exist are inseparable, contradictory and opposites.
When there is imbalance in the body this can create health problems, a Chinese Medicine practitioner is trained to re-balance and facilitate harmonising the form both in mind and body. Observing and studying the body as a whole is the foundation of TCM diagnosis and treatment.
Treatments are performed on fully clothed patients. However it is advised to wear loose fitting clothing as some procedures require access to certain body areas.

How many treatments will you need
Acupuncture is cumulative, and works best as a course of regular treatments.
Depending on your condition you are more likely to see improvements quicker if you come for treatment regularly. Once you feel the effects of the treatments, you will soon be able to gauge how often you would like to book your session.
As a guide: for acute cases you should see a significant improvement within 6 treatments, for chronic cases you should see improvements within 10 treatments. This should give you a general idea of the amount of time your body will likely require. After this you will get a feel for how often you may wish to have topup sessions
These are some of the main treatments used in Chinese Medicine


Tuina massage